Coaching Corner: Your annual check up
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Today I was at my annual check up with my doctor and I started thinking how cool it would be if we did a similar type of activity with our business as well. It might look like a review of sorts encompassing activities that we do, or need to be doing on a regular basis to keep our business thriving and healthy. How would you rate the following aspects of your business:
- Finding new business. Do you have a consistent system in place?
- Your lead follow up system. Do you have one and are you using it?
- Your overall consistency of your income.
- Listing consultations -- are you going on the amount that you desire? If so, what percentage are you listing? How many are you selling vs. expiring?
- Interaction with other agents -- how would you rate yourself? Do other agents enjoy doing a deal with you or are you one of the “dreaded†agents to work with?
- Interaction with your clients -- how would you rate yourself?
- Administrative work. Are you doing it all yourself? Are you doing it well?
- Contracts -- do you understand every contract you are using? Can you explain it succinctly to your clients?
- Time management -- do you feel you have all the time you need? Where does your time break down?
- Are you enjoying what you are doing?
If you take a few minutes to give yourself an annual business check up, you may be surprised by your answers. Answer honestly, this is between you and you. Determine what actions can be taken to bring yourself more into alignment with the way you want your business to run. Annual check ups do not need to be something that you put off, for whatever reason. They are necessary in preventing potential problems down the road. Stay healthy both physically and in your business!