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Coaching Corner: Let freedom reign!

Coaching Corner: Let freedom reign!

Jul 3, 2015

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

There is much happening in our country and our world that can easily illustrate a lack of freedom. Today, however, I want to discuss a more personal type of freedom -- how we can create feelings of constriction, and lack of freedom within our own thoughts.

Yesterday, one of my clients beautifully realized that she had been running her company in a manner that did not work for her AND that she did this from a belief that she had no choice! Part of it was I need to do _________ because my employee does not do it as well as I do (no choice). Another was my clients need to connect with me, not my staff (no choice). There were several tendrils of this same theme, all directly going back to her very old belief that she had no choice; this is the way it had to be done! As she unraveled this, clarity began to sink in and that proverbial light bulb was shining brightly. She got that neither of these statements were really true, and she perpetuated the original belief by keeping herself stuck in this place.

We have all done this at some time or another if we are truly honest with ourselves. We convince ourselves into a certain thought and over time, this once small thought has become a full blown belief! Look for patterns in your life that have the same theme. You might see a similar theme as my client, or it could be there's not enough time or money or love or fun or ........." How do you feed that particular thought? What type of encouragement are you unconsciously giving it? Encouragement might be the amount of time you discuss this particular issue or even just how much air time you are mentally giving it.

Bring awareness to these old patterns and beliefs and use them as a springboard to decide what it is you really do want. Until that happens, we are not free! Our beliefs are holding us in a space that does not support our well being or our growth. How important is your personal freedom? Are you willing to look deeply and honestly into your business and relationships to see what patterns are holding you back?

If so, celebrate this Fourth of July in a way that honors that willingness and let freedom reign!!!


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