Coaching Corner: Spring clean!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Another Friday the 13! Oh well, we have already talked about that one! So, let's move on to spring discussions. I don't know about you, but about this time every year I become painfully aware of closets that need to be cleared and files that can be shredded. Somehow the new burst of warmth ignites a new burst of desire to get my space into shape!
This week I want to challenge you to look around you -- your office, your home, your car, and determine how that space might bring more enjoyment to you. Get out your notebook and begin to write down each item that you want to tackle. As decluttering and cleaning up can be a daunting task for some, breaking each item down into a bite size piece will make it easier and more fun to accomplish.
Walk slowly through each space to identify the necessary task -- seriously, you may break this down so that you are looking at one drawer at a time! Once your list is complete, go back and highlight your priorities -- what items would give you the biggest bang for your buck? Which would bring you the most peace?
Now, look at your weekly schedule -- where can you plug in a period of time to devote to this task? Some like to bite off big chunks, perhaps planning an entire day of clearing out. While others prefer to dedicate more consistent, smaller amounts of time. There is no right or wrong here, do what works best for you.
You may want to enlist the help of a buddy to keep you accountable. It is great fun to set a time where each of you is working on your own space, setting aside an agreed upon time. Upon completion, you check in with your buddy to compare notes. Personally, I love to crank up the tunes and move through this process. Again, find a way that feels best to you!
If anyone has other ideas, please post your comments! Enjoy!