Coaching Corner: Crank it up!
By Marilou Butcher Roth
What would your life look like if you were stretching to your maximum potential? As I type this, I am chuckling as I remember every report card from the 1st through the 8th grade always had the comment “not working to her full potential†checked. I was well into my adult years before I realized what that truly meant.
Keep in mind, this isn't about working more hours or killing yourself at the gym. Each of you will arrive at a different answer as to what this means for you. Are you maximizing your talents? Do you constantly look for ways to be better? Or, are you caught in the mediocrity trap — just going through the motions of each day.
Whether it is your business life or your personal life, I invite you to ask yourself boldly how your life might be better. And, when you get the answer(s), move in that direction. Commit to YOU!