Coaching Corner: Out with the old / in with the new
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Here we are, the final day of 2014! Are you ready? The other evening someone said to me “I am so ready to be done with this year!." This is not a unique statement -- many people feel this way. Oh, to turn the page into this glorious new year! Perhaps you have had a similar feeling in the past. Here's the need to make peace with 2014. Every year has its ups and downs and if you are lumping the year in a way that makes you want to be done with it, you will not find what you are looking for! Take some time to find those events, people, items that you can truly appreciate about this year -- I promise you they are there. Complete your year in a meaningful way before jumping into 2015! Don't drag the tin cans of the things you didn't like from 2014 behind you!
Assuming you have done the above exercise, we are ready for 2015 activities! I know the general inclination and societal should is to make a list of your new years resolutions. Typical items might be to start, or restart, your exercise regime. Or perhaps to spend more time with your family. You may have several items to add to your list. As you think of these wonderful aspirations for the new year, think about the why of each one. Why do you WANT to exercise? Is it because you have gained a few pounds over the holidays? Are you concerned about your physical body from a health perspective? Get clear about each why before you make the determination of what your new year looks like. When you only make a list, you may be setting yourself up for failure. It's just another thing to do in this already jam packed world of to do's! When your assigned task doesn't happen, you will most likely judge yourself for not doing whatever it is you thought you should be doing. However, when you can really feel into why you want this, seeing the outcome as you want it to be, you are increasing your chances of attaining your desires!
Now, I am going to give you another option of developing your new year intentions. You can look at qualities, rather than to do items, that you want to bring into 2015. This is a more general method and yet, very effective. You may want to experience more vibrance or prosperity. You may be leaning towards greater abundance or healthy communication. It really comes back to what you really want for your new year! I love to do this, and I typically pick three qualities that feel most important to me at that time. For 2015 I have chosen FLOW, FUN AND FREEDOM! Each of these qualities generate wonderful feelings whenever I think of them. Visually, I imagine each of them like a triple decker ice cream cone over my head and I bring them one by one into my body. This is very enjoyable for me but you may find your own way to do this!
If you find yourself in a place where you are just not sure, I would suggest going to one of my favorite questions: What wants to happen here? This opens up a space that allows for your own answers to come in. You can use this at any time, not just at the new year. Ask it from a place of genuine curiosity and true wonder.
I wish you the happiest of new years and a 2015 overflowing with your desires!!!