Coaching Corner: Are you complete for 2015?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Those of you who follow this blog have read something similar to this in the past. It does, however, bear repeating. Each year, as it gets close to the end of December, I encourage my clients (and myself), to determine what needs to happen to complete the current year.
I love the idea of moving into 2015 feeling complete with 2014, and eager to jump into the new year!
Examine your business and see what loose ends are hanging. Are there systems that you wanted to put into place that you have not done? Are there classes that you wanted to take that just haven't happened? And also in the mix needs to be any conversations you have not had that if you did would leave you feeling clear and clean.
Make your list and begin the activities and before you know it, you will be well on your way! Once you feel complete, think about what you want your new year to look like. You can do this in a formal business plan or you can just identify what you plan to accomplish.
Most importantly, do not make this a hardship -- think about how good it feels to be complete! So, crank up the tunes and get to work!