Coaching Corner: How strong are your want muscles?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Another strange question, I know, but believe me, I am quite sincere in asking! Connecting with our truest desires literally fuels our internal fires generating motivation and inspired action!
How often do you ask yourself what you truly want? For most of us, I would venture to say it is not very often!
Then there are those times when you might want something -- perhaps a new car, and you quickly dismiss the idea with thoughts of well, there is no way that will every happen, or I would have to win the lottery to get that. You know the routine, don't ask for more than your rational mind can handle or you will just be disappointed, right?
Well, let's change that routine, shall we? I want you to begin a want workout, finding things throughout the day that delight you when you imagine having them. These might be material items such as a car you see driving down the road, it may be more clients just like the fantastic one you just worked with. Or, it might be a quality that you observe in someone else such as their amazing ability to communicate, or in seeing a couple that has incredible respect for one another. The idea is to have fun with this, so when those old thoughts come in, just notice them without making them wrong. Yes, I hear you, and then go right back to noticing what you want. You may even enjoy keeping a small notebook handy and jotting items down as you think of them.
As you start to feel strength in your newly found want muscles, begin thinking about even deeper wants. I want to be the best I can be in every situation,or I want to be of service in this world. It is, as you can see, very similar to working out in a gym to build your biceps or quads; it may be challenging to get started, it requires consistency and results will vary. You may begin to notice that you are moved to do something that you had never even thought of before, or you may notice that your life seems to be moving at an easier pace. You just never know, but I guarantee you that if your attention is on what you want, rather than what you don't want, you will feel happier and more alive and I personally think that alone is worth the practice!
Might I suggest a beautiful white Audi A7? Enjoy!