Coaching Corner: Time sure flies when you're having fun (or not)!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
As I look today at the calendar, realizing the summer has come and gone in almost an instant, I again realize how quickly time is moving. It sometimes seems incredible, doesn't it? Remembering back to long ago days of mine, thinking that time moved so slow -- when would school every be over -- when will I ever get my driver's license -- when can I ..?
So how are you handling the speed of life? Do you cherish moments, or just watch them buzz by? Are you tuned in to living your best life, or letting life just happen?
These are big questions -- take a moment to find your answers. Are you where you want to be in your life. Is your business running the way you want it to run? And most importantly -- are you enjoying life? That last one is where some of us get stuck! You may not be finding as much pleasure in life as you would like. Or, maybe you have decided that true happiness is meant for others but not for you.
Do you feel you are just moving through your day? If so, you may be included in the number of people that I see as being “addicted to mediocrity. It may sound silly, but trust me, it is quite accurate! If you are, simply bring some awareness without judging yourself for being there. And then ask yourself if you are WILLING to live a fuller, more enjoyable life. Let the response come up for you -- again without judgement -- you currently may not be willing to venture down this road, and that is OK. You can revisit this question again later.
However, if you get a full YES in thinking about a life filled with greater enjoyment, you are ready! How do you want to live more fully, and experience more fun in each moment?
Start with bringing more of yourself into each activity, every conversation, and notice how you feel. Make a commitment to being more present in each moment with what is happening, staying aware of your yes's and your no's. Try to stay in the moment, rather than going out ahead with your thoughts. Slow down your pace. Wait to respond. Listen more fully, to yourself and others.
These are all ways to find that sometimes elusive happiness we all desire. Be easy about all of this, it is definitely more fun if you do!