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Coaching Corner: Go on...try it!

Coaching Corner: Go on...try it!

Jan 12, 2018

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Its a new year! Will this year be like last year, and the year before? It is so easy to just fall into patterns of how we have always done things. Have you had thoughts of activities you want to participate in? Or a trip you have wanted to take? Maybe you have always wanted to take an art or dance class. I'm not talking about new years intentions necessarily, I am talking about that thing or things that have been put on the back burner for one reason or another. Or, it might actually be something you haven't ever considered. This might also be a family activity.

Take a moment right now -- take a deep breath. Ask yourself 'what would I like to try/do this year?' You may get an immediate response, or perhaps not -- do not worry. This is a question that you can continue to ask. You may find that something shows up for you -- it might be something someone says, or maybe you see something on TV that peaks your interest.

Be bold! Live your life from your fullest place! Try something new! Have fun!

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