Coaching Corner: Finding your freedom
By Marilou Butcher Roth
Try on finances as an example -- this is an easy one to find, as we mostly all have a sense of wanting to experience financial freedom in our lives. Now, take it a step further, beyond the concept...what would financial freedom look like and feel like in your life?
What about freedom of time? If you were experiencing freedom around the idea of time, how would you see that? Be as specific as you comfortably can. Notice any resistance that comes up for you, just notice.
When thinking of freedom as it pertains to any part of your life, you may know exactly what you want to happen. If not, ask yourself, “what do I most want?†Using curiosity and pure wonder, do not look for an immediate answer -- just notice what comes up.
Freedom is indeed our birthright -- are you willing to allow freedom in your own life?