Coaching Corner: Changes...
By Marilou Butcher Roth
Give this a minute, do not just respond I do great in your head. Let the words of the question land and see what type of answer bubbles up for you. As an example, I personally can struggle with change -- not all change but the types of change that impact my immediate surroundings.
So now, I am hoping you have arrived at your answer and, I am guessing that there are certain types of changes that are challenging for you. Knowing this for yourself will give you the ability to prepare as much as possible for these changes. Using the example I gave you above, when I know that we will be uprooting things within our home, I will create as much structure as I can so that things flow smoothly while whatever work is being done.
Last week at a meeting at our Board, there was a discussion about how Zillow now has a Coming Soon category on their website. There were several comments expressing concern over how buyer's agents could potentially run into issues of getting paid, as there might not be a listing contract in place yet. Well, this is the type of change that might toss some of you into a tizzy. How do you want to deal with this change? Clearly, whining is not the answer -- pushing against what you don't like is never an effective solution!
How can you ride the waves of changes that impact your life? Each of you will come up with your own best solutions if you allow yourself to think from a solution based direction rather than a blame/complain direction. This may be the time to re-consider the use of Buyer Agency Contracts, clarifying the agreement between you and your buyer which includes how compensation will be handled. Just a thought!
This week, reflect on changes that have come forth in different areas of your life and how you handled them. Using these thoughts as a foundation, you can move forward with an easier approach to changes in the future. Because we all know...change happens!!