Coaching Corner: The reward of 'showing up'
By Marilou Butcher Roth
And, as you have become accustomed to hearing from me, it started me thinking...
We tend to see a lot of the same REALTORS at these meetings, and I wonder if our members really grasp the magnitude of value they could receive if they came. Personally, I can tell you I judge myself to be a stronger, more informed Broker by attending. And...not just attending, but participating!
This rings true not just for our meetings, but life in general! How do you “show up†in life? Fully? Hesitantly? Entitled? If you do show up fully, you will reap the rewards -- you will both give and receive. You will get back from any experience what you are putting in. Bringing yourself fully into each day and situation generates more vibrance not just for you but the people around you!
So, I would invite you to look at yourself a bit closer this week and notice how you participate in your life. If you are noticing that it is less than 100 percent, you have a decision to make, and, it is a decision that will be well worth it!