Coaching Corner: Resisting or allowing?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Recently I have had several conversations with coaching clients who are encountering some challenges in their lives. As they describe the current situations I can actually hear a change in their voice, some sound tighter in their throats while others drop down an octave or two. What comes across to me is how much resistance they are experiencing as they describe the angst. During a coaching session, we don't stay in that place for long -- the stories could be endless, we move into more discussion of what they want in that situation and shift from resistance to allowing.
We all have a tendency to resist what we don't like. What comes to mind is whenever I have had blood drawn. Initially I can feel myself resist, and if I don't move myself (mentally and physically) into a more open and allowing space, it will hurt like the dickens! When I can make that shift within my self, adjusting my posture, breathing more openly and deeply, I find I do not even notice the stick in my arm.
This week, pay attention to when you “tighten up,†resisting what you are experiencing. See if you can sit or stand straighter, pull your shoulders back and breathe deeply, opening your whole body. You may even do a little self talk -- perhaps opening to the idea of what you might learn from this experience. This tip can assist you in every part of your life, bringing more ease into your uncomfortable experiences.