Coaching Corner: Let me do it!
By Marilou Butcher Roth
There are numerous conversations I have had with clients who are afraid to turn over tasks to their employees or even their spouses because they truly believe that if they want the task to be done correctly, they will need to do it themselves. In writing this, I am remembering fondly one of my own teachers, a marvelous, quirky gentleman who admitted that there were many home chores he would perform inadequately just so that his wife would omit his participation next time around. Hah! Maybe he was on to something!
How often do you find yourself in the position of taking on added responsibility because you believe fully that YOU are the only one that can perform that task? Perhaps it is talking to a client, or generating the perfect marketing material. Or, how about when somebody actually does something and then you come in a redo their work! Well, this is certainly enlightening for me -- as I ask this question, a situation of my own comes to mind. I like my silverware to be a certain way in the drawer -- my way makes sense to me and everything appears to be in order. That's great until those times when my husband unloads the dishwasher -- then everything is just put in -- no semblance of order whatsoever! And...yes, I redo the drawer to my satisfaction! How important is it really to have my silverware lined up like perfect little soldiers?!! In the scheme of things, not at the top of my list! That was embarrassing and my hope is that my bit of OCD can be of service to you in looking at this issue for yourself.
This week, pay attention to those times when you either step in and redo, or find yourself in that place of let me do it. Notice if you find yourself in a victim position, I have to do everything myself, might be a phrase that floats through your mind. Ask yourself some really hard questions, for example: Am I truly the only one that can perform this task? or what would happen if ______ did this? How about what would I be doing with my time and energy if I let go of this piece and turned it over to someone else?
Be gentle, this is a big one!