Coaching Corner: Are you on the triangle?
By Marilou Butcher Roth
Let's use an example -- the woman in the middle is complaining about one of her clients. My client continues to waste my time -- I have shown them so many houses and they will not make a decision, it's like they don't value my time! OK, off to the victim position she goes. And, she continues with her story -- they are just rude and clearly do not care about how much time I am spending. Notice how things have changed slightly and now the woman will need to put one foot on VICTIM and another on BULLY (yes, just like Twister). She finishes her story up with I have done so much for them, I send them home possibilities several times a week!" OK, feel the difference and off to HERO she goes.
Here's the thing...if you are on any of these three positions, you are not living from a place of aliveness. And, I guarantee you that every client that I use this with will continue moving from position to position, depending on how they are viewing their at any moment.
How does one get off the triangle? Great question! There has to be a willingness to move from the and commit to a place of aliveness, creativity and joy. We all have our stories, and we all land in the triangle from time to time. The real question is, how long do you want to stay there? Its tremendously more fun to consciously shift our energy to creativity and joy rather than stay stuck in lamenting about events that occur in our lives.
And, as always, enjoy!