Coaching Corner: Do you have a vision? (or...Do you know where in the heck you are going?)
By Marilou Butcher Roth
Asking this question might not give you an immediate answer but if you can pose it without the internal demand of a right now answer, you will eventually come to a conclusion and hopefully move forward in some way. The key is to be gentle with this.
Quite often, clients come to me with the I'm stuck lament. Being stuck feels uncomfortable and sometimes hopeless, affecting all areas of our life. I remember clearly one client who was beside herself for quite some time because she felt she had not found her direction. She wanted to know at that red hot minute what she should be doing with her life and felt that until she knew that she could not be happy!
At that point, I posed the question what if your direction was to be happy? That one threw her for a loop and generated quite a bit of protest from the part of her that was committed to doing something. She left the session with homework to find happiness in everything that she chose to do -- it really came down to bring your attention and intention to each task. She quickly found herself experiencing more ease in her life and within a short time landed on exactly where she wanted to go, expanding the career she was already in! And yes, she is happy!
So, just give it some thought -- are you where you want to be in your life, your career, your relationships? If not, what direction would you like to take? Again, be very gentle with this, do not try to force an answer as that will only push it further away.
Have fun with this!