Coaching Corner: Reaching beyond...
By Marilou Butcher Roth
When we come into the business, we are taking in tremendous amounts of information, both from the pre-license classes and also from our brokers. Most of us will ask questions as we encounter new situations. As you become more comfortable and confident in your abilities, you may find yourself taking more on and checking less out with your broker or manager.
In today's market, there are many faces a sale might wear -- it could be a short sale, an REO, a HUD home, a land contract, a commercial property, or it might even be a traditional sale! If you are not clear about how one or some of these work, you must ask for assistance from your broker or manager to be able to fully represent your buyer or seller! Think of it in medical terms -- would you go to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist if you broke your arm?
We have a fiduciary responsibility to our clients to represent them as fully as we can and license law requires us to not work beyond our areas of expertise! If you are finding that short sales are coming your way -- take a class, ask questions, get help from your Broker or manager or perhaps ask an agent in your company that has experience in this field to work in conjunction with you.
You are not limited in developing yourself in any area -- determine which areas require further education and commit to reaching beyond where you are right now!