Coaching Corner: Are you open to learning?
By Marilou Butcher Roth
What does being open to learning actually mean? It is not just about learning new sales techniques or about a new app that will help you in your business. It also addresses how open you are to learning about yourself -- both professionally and personally. Are you open to feedback that you get from others? How do you react when you feel someone is telling you something that you would rather not hear? Do you become defensive, or do you get curious about what you might learn in this situation?
Years ago when I was attending one of my first coaching apprentice meetings, a more seasoned apprentice gave me the feedback that she felt I was not open to learning. What! I flew all the way to Santa Barbara to do this, doesn't that show my openness to learning? I was deeply hurt and very confused. It became clear over time how right she had been. I was committed to learning “tools,†but I did not have a clue what it meant to be truly open to learning about myself!
There is an actual scale that was available to us from The Hendricks Institute that begins at -5 and goes up the list to a +5, all illustrating where we are at any point and time in terms of our openness to learning. The -5 is “Creating uproar or making an abrupt departure.†This is the lowest and I can guess that we have all been there — come one, if I can admit it, you can too!
The highest is +5 which is “Claiming full responsibility for issues, problems, results.†Wow! That is a bit different from the low end isn't it? This is what we all need to strive for, and of course there are many steps in between. This takes practice and awareness to how we live our lives and interact with friends, family and clients. The more awareness you can bring to this, the easier you will find it is to reach for the +5!