Coaching Corner: What do you want for Christmas...and beyond?
By Marilou Butcher Roth
We have played before with wouldn't it be nice if _________? this may be familiar to you. For today's exercise, create a list of as many wouldn't it be nice if______ ideas that come to you. For example, wouldn't it be nice if I could work with only motivated buyers and sellers. Yes, that would be nice! So here is how this is going to work:
- Wouldn't it be nice if ___________________? (make your list).
- Why is that important to me? What excites me about this idea?
- Notice any resistance that may come up -- yes, that would be nice but it's impossible. Just take note of this and keep going back to the why and the excitement around this idea.
- What action steps will take me in the direction of this desire? What can I do to bring this idea into my life? Is there something I need to change to make this happen?
The more you can focus your intention on what you truly want, not what others think you should do, the easier it will be to arrive at your desired destination. Make this a playful exercise, do not hesitate to move around as you are exploring your answers. Enjoy!