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Ohio REALTORS Insider: NAR Settlement Receives Final Approval

Ohio REALTORS Insider: NAR Settlement Receives Final Approval

Nov 26, 2024

On Tuesday afternoon, November 26th, Judge Bough made the NAR Settlement final.

NAR entered into the nationwide settlement agreement on March 15th, resulting in industry practice changes implemented this summer. Judge Bough gave preliminary approval in April, indicating that the case would be finalized.

In this video, Ohio REALTORS staff attorneys Todd Book and Stephen McCoy discuss the news in detail, including objections that occurred while waiting on the settlement finalization date and what it means for REALTORS moving forward. 

Click here to watch the latest installment of our "Ohio REALTORS Insider" video series -- which will regularly showcase the vast array of programs and services provided by Ohio REALTORS.


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