Coaching Corner: Recognizing & handling learning edges
By Marilou Butcher Roth
It started me thinking about how often all of us take action without gathering the information we need to move forward effectively. These areas we bump up against in all parts of our lives are our learning edges, and each person will experience these differently.
How can you tell if you are there? You may be able to efficiently make this determination, recognizing that you plain don't know something and proceed to find the best answers. The more difficult times, however, are times when you might just feel uncomfortable but are determined to complete the task at hand, so you take action without having all of your little duckies in a row.
Take the time this week to see if you are experiencing any of your learning edges and when you notice this, determine what answers you need and where you might find those answers. We will always find ourselves bumping up against new learning edges, that is how we grow and better ourselves, so consider this a great opportunity and enjoy!