Coaching Corner: Questions for You
By Master Coach Marilou Butcher Roth
Many years ago, I was browsing in one of our local bookstores while a friend from England happily found much to see. My browsing led me to a book called “Work Less, Make More” by Jennifer White. I found myself totally engrossed in this book, which, of course, I purchased. In no time, I completed the book and did something that surprised even me - I called the 800 number in the back of the book! Even more surprising was a return call from Jennifer with a local number. Bottom line, we met for coffee and it was she that identified that what I was doing with several people at work was actually called coaching. At that time, you only heard that term around sports. That conversation started me on quite an amazing adventure, and I was fortunate to work with Jennifer and her company. The book has been a staple in my library since then, one that I refer to often. Today, I want to present her questions from the book for you to ponder, and hopefully act upon:
Discover Your Work Less, Make More Vision
1. How many hours do you want to work each day?
2. How many hours do you want to work each week?
3. How many free days do you want to take each week?
4. How many vacations do you want to take each year?
5. What will you do with your free time? Be specific.
6. What type of work brings you joy?
7. What do you need in your work to do your best? In other words, describe the ideal environment, people, and resources you need to do your best work.
8. How much money do you need to survive each month?
9. How much more money do you need on top of your basic expenses to feel as if you have enough? Is there a certain amount of money you want in the bank to feel rich? Why that number?
10. How much money do you want to make each month?
11. How much money do you want to make each year?
12. What will you do with this money? Be specific.
13. What’s different about your life when you’re working less and making more than how you live your life today?