Coaching Corner: K.I.S.S.
by Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach
Yes, we have all heard a version of this acronym...Keep It Simple Sweetheart is my preferred version. And yet, how many of us hear and see these words, continuing down the merry path of overcomplicating almost everything?
Sometimes it is about the drama, sometimes it is due to not knowing what you want, sometimes it is because you cannot seem to mutter the word “no,” and other times you lack the systems to alleviate the complications. Countless more reasons can come into play, and in the spirit of keeping things simple, I am not going there today!
Today, pay attention to when you feel that dreaded overwhelm, discouragement, or just ‘out of sorts’ and ask yourself one of my favorite questions: “What wants to happen here?”. Notice the italicized wants. Not what “should” happen here. This is a crucial distinction. You will get a solid answer of your best direction when you tune yourself into these wants. When you get tangled up in your “shoulds,” you quickly find yourself in the quicksand of over-complication, which is never fun!
Keep this awareness with you, finding new ways to keep your precious life as simple as possible.