Marlin Palich receives Ohio REALTORS 2024 Political Coordinator Service Award
REALTOR Marlin Palich of Lakewood was honored with the Ohio REALTORS 2024 Political Coordinator Service Award.
The award recognizes a REALTOR whose outstanding work with elected officials creates a sound and dynamic Ohio real estate market and fosters vibrant communities.
Palich’s selection was announced at the Ohio REALTORS Annual Convention & EXPO, which took place Sept. 9-11 in Columbus.
Over the past 11 years, Palich has helped strengthen the profession’s voice as the association's Political Coordinator for Congressman Bill Johnson (R-Ohio). He has attended and organized numerous political events involving Congressman Johnson, both in Ohio and in Washington, D.C.
In 2024, Palich was nominated to fill the Political Coordinator role for Congressman Michael Rulli. He served as President of the Stark Trumbull Area REALTORS in 2022 and has served on numerous committees and task forces.
The Ohio REALTORS Political Coordinator program pairs key REALTORS with lawmakers at the federal and state level. Coordinators are asked to maintain relationships with specific Ohio General Assembly and Congress members to keep them up-to-date on REALTOR issues. They stay in touch throughout the year in the legislator's home district, the Ohio Statehouse, and Washington, D.C., to help reinforce the Association's legislative agenda.
“Marlin Palich’s hard work has benefited REALTORS and property owners across Ohio,” said President Ali Whitley. “The industry is grateful for his lasting contributions of preserving property rights and advancing our free enterprise system.”
The Ohio REALTORS, with more than 36,000 members, is Ohio's largest professional trade association.