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#CoachingCorner: Follow the Yellow Brick Road

#CoachingCorner: Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Aug 30, 2024

By Master Coach Marilou Butcher Roth

Most of us will remember that song from the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, where young, naive Dorothy was told to follow the yellow brick road in order to achieve what she was looking for.  In her case, it was ultimately to have the wizard assist her in returning  home to Kansas.

Today, let’s imagine the bricked yellow road in front of you as you move toward your own desires - probably not to get to Kansas (unless that is your wish).  Most of the time, the majority of us are not operating from a place of being truly present.  We go here, we rush there, and on and on.  When you can bring yourself more into each moment, you will find that a different experience is available to you, and here is where the fabled yellow brick road comes in.

I invite you first to practice being present in each moment - not thinking ten steps ahead of where you are.  BE where you are in each moment!  Once you have a sense of that, you are to boogie on down the yellow brick road.  Imagine that road is your “yes,” and off of the road is your “no.”  As you move through each day, tuning into yourself and maintaining presence as much as possible, use this image to gauge your choices.  Ask yourself, am I on the beautiful path of the yellow brick road, or off somewhere in the weeds where those nasty flying monkeys can swoop me up?

Got it?  Awesome!  Now, I ask you, who is the wizard??  That would indeed be you!!


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