Coaching Corner: Lights out!
By Marilou Butcher Roth
Now I want to toss in something that you may not be expecting…preparing for bedtime. This just came up with a client and I had forgotten how important it is for all of us. Sleep can be underrated and sometimes underachieved -- bottom line, we all need a good night's sleep! Let's break this down into three sections:
- Try to be consistent with your bedtime. I realize that bedtimes will vary based upon activities -- what I am talking about is your normal bedtime.
- Do not eat anything heavy at least one hour before you go to bed. If you are truly hungry (check this out first), eat something light.
- An hour or so before bed, start to let yourself unwind. Get away from the computer or work related activities. Immerse yourself in calming activities such as reading or listening to music. If you are a TV person, be aware of what you are watching -- is it stimulating or calming? Maybe have a cup of Sleepytime or chamomile tea. You might also think about starting a nighttime appreciation journal where you reflect on all of the items during the day where you felt appreciation.
This preparation is not something most people engage in and there are many restless nights to prove that. You want to get a full night's sleep in and be ready to greet your day with excitement, as opposed to barely being able to open your eyes.
Find your best way to prepare for this oh so important time and find how soundly you begin to sleep and how much easier it is to wake up! If you still find yourself having problems with sleep, do not hesitate to consult your physician -- there might be a simple solution that needs to be added to your nighttime preparation. Zzzzzzzzz