Coaching Corner: Are you being lazy?
By Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach
You may or may not be aware that today is National Lazy Day! Yep, apparently it’s a thing and I like it! How might you bask in this national tribute to being lazy? Laziness has a bad reputation in our society with constant reminders of how we need to do and be more on a regular basis. One of the definitions that I have located identifies lazy as “relaxed or leisurely,” and honestly, I fail to see what could possibly be wrong with that!
Are you balancing your very busy schedule with being relaxed? Is leisure part of your day, or do you hit the ground running and never look back? This is important people! If you are not finding time to balance relaxation with busyness, your body will eventually suffer as well as your mental attitude and ultimately the production you seek.
This week, make a plan to incorporate laziness into your schedule, and, if you need to, consider it homework. Give yourself the permission we all deserve!