Coaching Corner: What beliefs are limiting to you?
By Marilou Butcher Roth
Here is what happens — a seed is planted in our minds by something that we observe or hear, either to ourselves or someone else. We don't like what we see or hear; it feels crummy, crummy enough that we feel resistance. As we feel resistance, we notice a similar situation, or hear something that validates the original thought. Then, we feel even more resistance and then we notice this “thing†even more. See, it is really all about where we choose to put our attention.
So, beliefs are just attention that we have given any topic over and over again — a pattern of thought! The most harmful beliefs are those we bring from childhood — beliefs of not being good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, there are many degrees and flavors of these and they are FALSE! And yet, we sometimes continue to believe them and these beliefs can dictate how our adult lives turn out.
When you find yourself bumping up against a situation where you are experiencing some resistance, check in and see what thought might be surfacing. You might hear “don't even try that, you know it will be too hard for you,†or “they have all the luck, nothing good happens like that to me.†You get the picture. When you identify this, remember those old messages are merely thoughts that you have brought to your mind, over and over again, even unconsciously.
Now... what do you want your new, healthier thought to be?