Coaching Corner: Just checking...
By Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach
Well, we are already nearing the end of January and I thought it would be a great time to check in on your intentions for the year. You remember all of those items that you so thoughtfully planned out, don’t you? No? Well, you may want to resurface them to determine their relevance. Whether they have been on your radar or not, this is time to see where you stand in relation to each of them.
Take a look at each one. Are you participating in that item in a way that pleases you? If your answer is yes, move on to the next item. If your answer is no, go back to your “why” of that particular item. Why was it important to you? How would it impact your life, or the lives of others? How would your life be different?
This is a perfect time to reevaluate each item. There are times when we write something down that seems to show up as important at the time, and yet quickly becomes irrelevant. Don’t be afraid to nix any of these items. Let’s get to the very core of what you truly want.
This is your task for the day -- can you do it joyfully?