Coaching Corner: Memories ...
by Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach
As soon as I complete writing this post, I will launch into my next project--sending out email invitations to my classmates from high school to celebrate our 50th reunion!!! I know!! It’s quite frankly one of the most surreal experiences I have had in a long time. Somehow, 50 years have passed since I have seen the majority of these women (all girl school).
Going through the list of names and addresses has been so much fun, and sometimes puzzling as there are some of our classmates that bring no memory at all to mind. We had a relatively small class, I haven’t counted exactly but I believe we were at 104.
There are some regrets that have come up, seeing the names and faces of girls (women) who I was very fond of, that I haven’t kept in contact with. Now, on the other hand, there are several that I see on a relatively consistent basis, which is always a good time.
Sometimes we move on from meaningful experiences without looking back. Today, consider any similar times you may have where you lose touch with people that were important to you. I do believe that some relationships are meant to be short ones, while others seem to withstand the test of time.
Is there someone you would like to reconnect with? Do it!!