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Coaching Corner: A 'New Year's' revolution

Coaching Corner: A 'New Year's' revolution

Dec 28, 2012

By Marilou Butcher Roth

I would like to invite an easier, more productive way to incorporate these items into our new year. As you make your list, I would like you to think about WHY these actions are important to would your life be different if they were actually happening?

So, for example, you may have eating better as one of your resolutions. Ask yourself how you might like to do this ” would you be eliminating a certain food from your diet, or perhaps just eating less overall. What would your life be like if you actually were incorporating this new habit into your daily schedule? How would it be better? What is exciting about this to you? Basically...why do you WANT it? You see, often times, we decide to create new habits, or resolutions, based upon what we think we should do, rather than looking more deeply into why we want it.

If you plan to create resolutions for the upcoming year, take an extra few minutes to think about what is truly important to YOU!

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