Coaching Corner: Are you surviving?
By Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach
Yesterday, during my drive home, the 70’s song “I Will Survive,” by Gloria Gaynor came on the radio. As my body responded to the beat, my brain also kicked into full gear. Hearing my not so good voice wail the words, I wondered about the idea of surviving. All of the sudden, the idea of surviving didn’t feel as good as when I previously croaked those words. Is it OK to merely survive? Or, would I rather thrive?
Now, I get it, the song is about getting past a bad break up -- surviving -- all good. And, the question for me is what’s next? Where in your life do you find yourself “surviving?” Can you imagine what life might hold for you in a space of full out living?
Today I am tossing these questions for you to ponder, noticing where within your wonderful life, you may be stuck in survival mode. Bring on the thriving!!