Coaching Corner: Ask yourself this...
By Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach
Recently I was facilitating a Leadership Academy and all of the participants, as well as myself picked a sheet with a question on it. My question was “What impact do you want to leave on the world?”
It probably doesn’t matter what my answer was, however, I am going to give it to you in the hopes that you identify your own answer. I was a bit taken aback with the power of this specific query, and after a few moments of thought, responded that I wanted whatever was happening within me to match my outer actions. This may make sense to you, or not. Either way, I invite you to answer this question for yourself.
Keep in mind, this doesn’t need to be huge, allow what is there for you to bubble to the surface, bringing you to a place of clarity. Once you have made this identification, you can begin to live your life from this place (if you haven’t already).
Let yourself be with this question for a bit -- do not jump right into how you think this should be answered. This is from you, and for you! From there the results of your actions can impact others.