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The Buzz

Wake Up!

Jan 18, 2022

by Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach

Over the years, it has become critically important to begin my days in a meaningful way. Some call this a spiritual practice, and I have found that term to be very, very broad. As you open your eyes each morning, you have the unique opportunity every single day, to set the space for how your day unfolds. If you are jumping right out of bed and right into your day, you are missing out on what could possibly be a very different experience.

There are so many possibilities out there for you. Many people, including myself, have found meditation to fit the bill. Others enjoy reading or journaling. Still others find just sitting and enjoying their morning coffee quietly does the trick. What feels good to you? That is the only important question here. How do you feel fulfilled as you begin your day?

This week, give some thought as to how you might engage in a morning practice. Don’t be afraid to try different avenues to find your best option. And, you may find yourself wanting to mix things up--great! There is not a right or wrong way to go about this. As Nike says “just do it!”




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