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Coaching Corner: Ode to the cows!

Coaching Corner: Ode to the cows!

Jun 18, 2021

By Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach

As I write this blog post, I am sitting on the deck of a beautiful house in Rosemary Beach, Fla., where I have spent the past several days enjoying all that beach life has to offer. This trip was a special one, designed for my niece as she nears her wedding day in August, with the sole purpose of celebrating with a very special group of women.

Years ago, my sister moved to a community in Atlanta, and soon discovered that she had found her tribe with other women who made this place their home. They have maintained this friendship over years, tears and countless bottles of wine. They have supported each other through deaths, births and relocations to other parts of the country -- and maintained this incredibly strong bond throughout. Several of these women have daughters of their own and these younger ones have formed their own friendships. At some point, this collection of vibrant, loving women deemed themselves to be a group of “bossy cows,” identifying their strength both individually and as a group.

And this brings us to where we are today -- a gathering of the cows, young ones and older ones, coming together as they frequently do at a pivotal moment in one of their lives. I have had the privilege once before of being on one of these trips, when my sister was celebrating her 50th birthday -- yes, they travel from all directions to celebrate collectively. Although that event was a few years ago, when I joined them on this trip, I was immediately welcomed into their group -- their herd -- never once feeling like an outsider.

You may be wondering why I am sharing this story with all of you. In the fast paced world that we live in, it is easy to find ourselves in a place where we just take care of what we need to, often taking relationships for granted to focus on tasks at hand. Hopefully this story serves as a reminder to value our relationships, whether they be those of a family we are born into, or one created through happenstance. Finding your people that love and support you through the challenges and the triumphs is irreplaceable and honestly something to be nourished over time.

Today, I leave this cocoon where I have been immersed, to return home, noticing that I feel changed somehow by this event, my heart fully imprinted with the experiences of this past week and so looking forward to seeing this group at the wedding in August as they make their way from various locations to come together, again, to love and support one of their own.


Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati. Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee. Feel free to contact Marilou to see if coaching is right for you.

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