Coaching Corner: That was easy!
By Marilou Butcher Roth
How often do you wish that you had an easy button when you find yourself in difficult situations? Many of us have developed beliefs at some point in our lives that generate thoughts, either conscious or unconscious, that may not create the ease we all desire.
How do these beliefs originate? Mostly from experiences or messages we have had or heard from our past. Somehow messages come through and we file them away in our computer like brains only to surface at a much later date.
Real estate is so amazing! When you embark on this adventure, you may find that your core beliefs that have been silent for so many years come rising to the top. For example, you may have come from a previous 9-5 job where you had more structure. You knew what was expected of you and what your responsibilities were. Stepping into real estate may open a whole new way of being! You are now the owner of your own company — you are the boss! You will have guidelines from your broker to assist you, but ultimately, your actions depend solely on you!
Now, toss in the unconscious belief that you have been carrying around which could be “life is hard†or “you must work really hard to be successful.†These beliefs will begin to attract situations that reflect your beliefs. All of the sudden, you notice that things seem hard and then you focus on how hard things have become and guess what, they become even harder!
My invitation to you is to find your “easy.†Find it in your thoughts, find it in the stillness of your mind, the movement of your body. Find more fun — consciously decide that you will find fun in each day, no matter what is happening!
You may also want to visit a Staples store and pick up your own big red easy button. If you do, I have some advice...choose one from the back!