Tech support you need when working from home full-time
The following article is provided courtesy of the Ohio REALTORS Tech Helpline. This new, free member benefit puts you directly in touch with an expert to help you with your professional and personal technology needs. Get in touch with an expert by calling (877) 562-3160, Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Agents are facing a new normal today as they find themselves either in imposed or self-selected isolation. Not working inside a real estate office means agents are confronting a flurry of new tech challenges.
Gone is the ability to turn to a tech-savvy colleague in your office to help solve a technical glitch. Setting up a new home office or adding more technology to an existing one is now commonplace.
If you are adding an extra monitor or setting up a new Bluetooth printer, you probably need help. Fortunately, you have your newest, free member benefit -- the Ohio REALTORS Tech Helpline.
Home offices, for many agents, have been an outpost or satellite of their main office. All you needed was a desk, your laptop, and your mobile phone. Now you may need to outfit your home with the technology you once could access at your main office.
First, that means you are going to have questions. What size monitor do I need? Will it connect to my current laptop, or do I need a special adaptor? Does the brand of the monitor matter? What about Bluetooth printers? Will my computer connect with all printer brands? Are some printers easier to set up than others? Or will you discover that now is the time to buy that new laptop you have been putting off, as it will work better with the new monitor and printer you need.
A majority of agents work for an independent brokerage -- 53 percent, according to the National Association of REALTORS. That means for many agents, their first line of assistance is going to be Tech Helpline.
Your Ohio REALTORS Tech Helpline is ready to help answer questions like these for you -- and more, a lot more.
Once you figure out what new technology you will need in your home office, you will have more questions. It is likely you would benefit from step-by-step guidance that an experienced and friendly Tech Helpline analyst can provide you.
Adding new equipment to your home office
If you are adding a monitor -- or two -- to your home office, you are probably going to need help. You also may find that connecting your new Bluetooth printer is a bit more challenging than it would appear. And if you are taking the bold step of upgrading to a new laptop, getting set up the right way, and transferring everything you need from your old laptop to your new one, you can benefit from professional guidance.
This is why Tech Helpline exists: to answer all of your questions and remotely provide you with the personalized guidance and reassuring advice to make the transition to home full-time a less stressful experience.
Remember that Tech Helpline isn’t just there to help you with the big things. Tech Helpline is available as a member benefit from Ohio REALTORS to answer questions you may have about the little tech struggles you have as well.
Maybe you have also just bought a new smartphone, and you are having issues setting up your email. Or you keep getting knocked off your video conferencing on Zoom, Google Hangouts, or GoToMeeting. Or perhaps there is a technology term or service you keep hearing about, but don’t understand and need someone to explain it to you.
Remember that our friendly analysts at Tech Helpline are available to help. It only takes a call, email, or online chat to connect with someone who can help you. We work with agents like you every day and are ready to help you adjust by answering your tech questions and helping you solve your tech challenges.
Finally, if you have any tech questions related to virtual meetings, please reach out to your Ohio REALTORS Tech Helpline. it’s a new, free benefit to help you with all your tech problems . Get in touch with an expert by calling (877) 562-3160, Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.