Our History ...
Big city brokers controlled the country’s real estate in the early 1900s.
In 1908, those brokers gathered in Chicago to discuss business—how they could smooth real estate transactions while maintaining high ethical standards. Their meeting produced the National Association of Real Estate Boards, now known as the National Association of REALTORS, and in 1913, produced NAR’s Code of Ethics.
Two years later, on January 26, 1910, major players in Ohio’s real estate market established the Ohio Association of Real Estate Boards, now known as Ohio REALTORS.
Initially, the state association served mainly as a platform for discussion of real estate issues.
But as members recognized their need for more training and more targeted, full-time lobbying, they recognized a resulting need for a more formal Ohio REALTORS organizational structure. Members voted in the mid-1960s to assess dues that would finance creation of Education and Legislative divisions and hiring of paid staff professionals for both. The Education Division (now part of the Board & Member Services Group) organizes more than 100 educational programs each year. The Legislative Division (now known as the Governmental & External Affairs Group) lobbies daily on hundreds of real estate-related bills and public affairs issues confronting state and federal legislators and agencies.
The staff grew again to keep pace with REALTORS’ demands for more and better services. Ohio REALTORS leaders voted to create a Member Services Division (also now part of the Member and Board Services Group); which oversees the Spring Legislative Conference and the Annual Convention and Expo; and Board Support Services providing professional staff help to Local Boards/Associations.
Members voted to add still more staff professionals in the Communications Division (now known as Governmental & External Affairs Group) to handle REALTORS’ growing needs for information and public relations. They annually write and send more than 200 news releases to the state’s media outlets, and produce a nationally recognized magazine, OHIO REALTORS, for members.
Today, OR’s staff of 26 professionals, housed in the fully-owned REALTOR building at 200 E. Town Street, Columbus, continue seeking fresh ways of responding to REALTORS’ business and professional needs.
The staff carries out directions from Ohio REALTORS elected officers and directors, who in turn are appointed by the 38 Local Boards/Associations to determine policies, goals and programs.